Season’s Greetings!
Last Friday evening we were able to gather together as a company to celebrate the holiday season. The evening started off with some words of thanks and encouragement from Nathan, Grant, and Chris as they reflected on the past year and spoke towards the future.
We were able to celebrate some anniversaries (click through to see who’s been with us for years!) and celebrate some career wins with Harry, Shane, and Greg.
Erika Glatz (5 years) and Kevin McKay (10 years) also celebrated anniversaries with Gelderman this year but were not able to attend the dinner.
Hank Gelderman spoke about when Linda joined the team 20 years ago. She waded her way through stacks of paper and whipped them into shape within just a couple weeks! Today she is our Health & Safety Manager and works to keep us all safe.
It was interesting to hear how Roy came to Gelderman as a young man (40 years ago!) and all the roles he has played over the years. Becoming Uncle Roy to many, he remains a stalwart guide to Gelderman and our core values. Roy is always welcoming to new faces and always has time to listen should anyone need to chat.
Thank you to the band and the magician who kept us entertained throughout the evening.
As well to Dawn & Rik who worked hard securing gifts from our suppliers for a raffle table and who also set up the guess the Christmas Tree Ornaments game – thank you!