Fall Reboot

Gelderman gathered as a company for a Fall Reboot last week.

It has become a tradition to come together every spring for a kickoff into the summer. This is a good time to switch gears from snow to start thinking about the excitement the warm weather brings. This year, we decided to look into winter with the same perspective.

As a company, we were able to sit together over coffee, tea and treats to reflect over the last season, and all the ups and downs (what a tough spring that was!). Over the summer, we have said goodbye to some of our team and welcomed others into the fold. Now, fall has arrived, and things are finally starting to fall into place, but we all need to be looking forward.

Suzanne Conroy, from [LIVE IT Leadership](http://liveitleadership.com/), was able to join us for the morning to talk about leadership. We looked at the professional wheel of life, and determined that *nobody’s wheel is perfectly round!* There is always work to do to straighten out the wheel and make life and work move a little more smoothly.

We saw through optical illusions, that sometimes we don’t always see the big picture, and other people notice things that as individuals we miss. What do you see in the picture on the slide?
In small groups, we came up with a list of qualities that described the perfect Gelderman employee. Qualities were mentioned like:

– Reliable
– Respectful
– Willing (to learn, to teach, to adopt change)
– Accountable
– Fun

(Does that sound like you? [Check out current openings here!](https://gelderman.com/careers/openings) We’d love to hear from you.)

**A big THANK YOU to all the Gelderman staff for being willing to contribute, encourage and make each other better.**
##Winter is heading our way, and with it, a lot of opportunities!##