Flamborough Review features us in print and online

The June 2 issue of the Flamborough Review published a feature article headlined, “Gelderman sows, reaps success.”

The article highlights the number of awards the company has won this year, such as the Burlington Chamber of Commerce Employer of the Year, Outstanding Business Award from the Flamborough Chamber of Commerce and the Waterdown Blooms competition.

The Review also included much about the company’s philosophy, quoting company president Nathan Helder, “When we do it right every day and try to do it better for the (next) day, good things happen, you actually do get better. Our goal at the end of the day is to be more grass roots to our clients.”
The news article may be viewed online, under the headline “Flamborough’s Gelderman Landscaping reaps success with business awards,” at http://www.flamboroughreview.com/news-story/6706284-flamborough-s-gelderman-landscaping-reaps-success-with-business-awards/