Landscape Ontario & the Golden Horseshoe chapter handed Hamilton Victory Gardens (HVG) a $3,00.00 check at a gathering in Hamilton on September 1st of this year.
Landscape Ontario members, executives & staff attended the event, including Gelderman Landscape Services and Millgrove Perennials, both of whom have donated services and/or materials to HVG. Our water management specialist, Henry VanHengstum, has installed sprinklers at the McQuestern and Concord sites, and has helped building the McQuestern and St. Helens sites.
LO Board President Dave Braun told those at the event The Victory Garden provides such a great service to Hamilton. It fits with LO’s mission to promote and foster a favourable climate for the advancement of the horticulture industry in Ontario.
Hamilton Victory Gardens was established in 2011. Local volunteers plant, maintain & harvest produce that is distributed to local food banks and meal programs. So far in 2015 two hundred and fifty HVG volunteer have harvested 45,004 pounds of produce from twelve garden sites. More information about Hamilton Victory Gardens can be found here, or read more about the event in the October issue of LO Magazine.
Find out more about Gelderman’s association with the Hamilton Victory Gardens here.