Preparing for Sweater Weather

It’s time for Pre-Season Site Inspections!

In preparation for winter, you can expect to see a branch representative doing a walk around of your property.

## This walk around will include:

**Reviewing the Snow Map and making any necessary changes**

**Identifying existing property damage**

**Identifying areas of concern such as:**

– Low areas that might freeze over quickly
– Speed bumps
– Drainage areas
– Manhole covers
– High traffic areas

As you know, Gelderman Landscape Services is certified to the SN9001:2012 with Design standard. We are excited to serve you even better each year through the well-defined and documented procedures this certification requires. This walkaround is one of the requirements of our certification.
We look forward to working in partnership with you to provide the best service possible to each property this coming winter.

[*See our certification and learn more about what it means here.*](