Steve Brewer – Our Very Own Water Smart Irrigation Professional!

Gelderman Landscape Services is excited to announce that Steve Brewer has successfully completed the Water Smart Irrigation Professional training program!

WSIP’s help you to reduce water waste and save money while ensuring the health and attractiveness of your property doesn’t suffer. This program promotes efficient irrigation practices that we are excited to share with our clients. A WSIP certified contractor can care for your property more thoroughly by determining your systems’ current water usage and how much water the system *should* be using to keep your landscape looking its best.

An assessment of your irrigation system by a WSIP will help to achieve and maintain the curb appeal of your property. By monitoring the system and managing the water usage, irrigation professionals can help achieve savings on your water cost and also maximize the life of your system by identifying areas that require maintenance and upgrades.

**Congratulations Steve on your WSIP certification!**

Find out more about our Water Management services [here.](