Recently, I wrote an article for ACMO which is the Association of Condominium Managers of Ontario. This article can be found in the CM Condominium Manager Magazine and explains how horticulture promotes health and wellness.
Stressed…Take a P.I.L.L.! Looking for calming therapy? Let me stress the benefits of what I call Positive Influenced Landscaped Living or PILL.
Many of are passionate about gardening for the sheer joy of it, but unaware of its benefits to health and wellness. It is a known fact that gardening is good for the body and therapeutic for the soul. The premise of creating a tranquil garden setting for therapeutic purposes is believed to have originated in the 19th century with Dr. Benjamin Rush. Dr. Rush believed that garden settings had a calming effect on the mind for those suffering from mental illness. Throughout the ages, gardens of all varieties have been revered as a place of tranquility and peace where one can escape to reflect and rejuvenate. This has given rise to the concept of horticultural therapy (aka P.I.L.L.)
What is Horticultural Therapy?
According to the Canadian Horticultural Therapy Association (CHTA), Horticultural therapy uses plants and the natural world to improve the social, spiritual, physical and emotional wellbeing of individuals who participate in it. For condominium living, horticultural therapy can help provide a sense of purpose and be a platform for developing friendship and a sense of community.
Stay tuned for the Benefits and Delivery of Therapeutic Horticulture in a future blog.